Wednesday 14 November 2007

Second Life

Second life is a social networking site, that mixes the idea of both the social networking and gaming aspects of computing.
It is a virtual world, similar to this one, that was lauched in 2003. Users get to create there own 'avatar' which is can be manipulated to look however the users wishes.
Second life is much like this one, there are shops, houses and millions of other people. However, the game has been made almost perfect. It is almost a portrayal of what life could be like. Making and designing our own clothes using help from machinery. It is quite incredible if you think about it.
The people who use second life vary. Some people use it to enhance their social lives, some use it to replace them. People have given up their real jobs and are now soley relying on the income that they get from second life. Some people have even met their partners on second life. So it seems that this type of social networking may hold the key tpo the future of internet use!?
The online gaming industry, web 2.0 is a big buisness. Second life is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Manufacturers like Sony(tm), Reebok (tm) and Calvin Klien(tm) are using second life to advertise and sell products now.
Personally i am nott a fan of second life, although i have not played it, i do use bebo and facebook. They are to keep in contact with old friends, there is not replacement to meeting up with the real thing.

Monday 12 November 2007

The theory on Web 2.0

There are two very good videos that cover Web 2.0 on youtube. - this is a very informative but is less easy to understand - this video is very well made, it is creative and easier to pick up than th above video. I'd recomend this video to learn about web 2.0 first.

My idea of web 2.0:
  • It is the idea that th use of the web has become far more advanced
  • We use the web for far more than ever before
  • Social networking on Websites like Bebo, Facebook & Myspace is a more dynamic page than just a 'flat' page of words and one or two pictures.
  • As we are using the internet or 'machine' we are teaching it about us, it is gaining information about people all of the time.

That was a quick rundown guys, trust the videos

Thursday 25 October 2007

Key Research

Some research on the computer games industry.
For the planning section of my folder i had to do some research. Here are some links: - information on the gaming industry - info on the biggest company in sports simulation - info on sporting games in general - info on one of the bigger companies: codemasters

Thursday 11 October 2007

Im the one on the far right, this was during cricket btw!

Online Magazine Services

check this webpage! it is basically, a middle man that provides people's mags online!

Starfish was also an online magazine service, but had to cease it's running for reasons that i have not found! I'll try and keep you updated!

Much Love Ppl!