Thursday 27 March 2008

New Media Technology-G4M1N9!

Possible Research Areas:

  • Games console sales

  • New 'ground-breaking' technology in the gaming industry

  • Major Contributing Companies

  • Institutions affected by new gaming technology

  • Audience & Stats

  • The Key Concepts of the Gaming industry

  • Product Convergance

  • Product Personalisation

  • Product Interactivity

  • Is the media Linear or non-linear?

  • Democratisation (the ability of communication e.g blogging or MSN [instant messaging] )

  • Digitisation (going back to the most basic digital form)

All of these areas will be key to a good quality case study. All must be covered in depth, and with clear examples to clarify and make each section clear.

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Are Newspapers in Decline?

  1. What is the Fourth Estate??? : The four estates are said to be; The Courts, Religion, Parliment and the fourth estate is the press. Edmund Burke argued that the fourth estate acted as a check on the abuses if power made by the other three estates, by holding them accountable to the electorate and providing information to ensure democracy is allowed to oporate efficiently. The evidence to whether this is entirely true was never fully proven or accepted, however the press still manage to uncover government corruption.

  2. Is new media technology responsible for the decline in newspapers? : The article believes that the new media technology is responsible for the downfall of the newspaper sales and industry. It says that it is possible that The Times has been a loss maker for many years. In attempt to combat the undisputed force of the internet, most of the big newspapers have got an online format for readers to view, free of charge.

  3. What does it mean "maybe the internet is already the cyberspace of the fourth estate"? : Nick Lacey is saying that the internet is becoming a fourth estate in it's own right, as like newspapers, people can gain news, and much much more. The one major advantage is that news can get updated instantly online, and can be around the world in a few minutes or even a few seconds. The original forth estate is dying, so is this the new version? At that time, the newspaper and the word of mouth were the only way to let news travel, now, everything can be done on the internet.......