Sunday 20 April 2008

Whats the high definition gaming about? What is it doing for audiences?

Once again, advances in day-to-day technology are being pioneered and driven forward by the gaming industry and other converged and emerging companies. HD was originally intended to increase the quality of audience viewing, this enforces the concept of the entertainment. Which in turn is giving things like cinema and record companies, detremental damage.
Back to the technology. HD can only be viewed in full using an HDMI cable, these can vary in quality, the highest form should be able to support the new technology called 1080p. This is how fast a television scans the picture that it displays. At this moment in time there is no better viewing experience than a 1080p. HOWEVER <>OR a high def games console. Which is where the gaming industry comes in. The newest generation games consoles (the 360 & PS3) are those HD sources. Playing games, and films in HD. Being competing companies, and having such a cutting edge technological ability, Sony went with their own form if HD hardware & soft ware (Blu-ray) and microsoft opted to converge with toshiba to introduce HDDVD into their Xbox 360 games console. Both having their dis/advantages, the audience went crazy for the new HD technology. Xbox hit a sales boom releasing their HD console first, yet the consumers are unaware that the PS3's technology will eventually render the Xbox's obsolete. Also some consumers are blissfully unaware that to gain the promised HD gaming, and film viewing, they might just need a new HD ready tv... thats what i call forcing the technology forward. Attachements can be brought to connect an HDMI cable to a scart connection, but the picture quality will not be as good.
The PS3 was released at a perfect stage to boost sales. as manufacturers were doubting Blu-Ray's eligiblity to sell, with "stupidly high" prices, some set reaching 799 pounds. The PS3 was released at 425 pounds, so it was a no brainer for most potential blu ray buyers. Needless to say, sales shot up, with Blu-Ray beating toshiba's HDDVD. Toshiba withdrew and Xbox face a dilemma... they now, to keep up with the high definition revolution, have decided to release a Blu-Ray version for future models. Xbox have dented pride, but they keep on battling.
Additional and not really well known advantages to the PS3 is that it can be used as part of a home theatre kit (surround sound) with the cheapest reatiling Blu-Ray home theatre kit in stores for around 1000 pounds. Just an optical cable with a different kit can save people up to 600 pounds! (inc. a new ps3) 900 pounds excluding.
All Blu-Ray players up-scale all DVDs, so there is no need to scrap all the old'uns.
Now-a-days Xbox and Playstation have similar game titles, different exclusives and features. But one thing matters and stands alone above all others, opinion of the gaming audiences are paramount. Reputations of games and consoles matter, so there is supreme competition to win the hearts of audiences. So we get back round to profit driven, gadget packed consoles. Yet as audiences, we love it!

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