Thursday 1 May 2008

Discuss How far young people's use of media technologies differs from that of their rents...

The music industry is one of the best to look at, to view this subject. Most people below the age of 30, find it easier to 'keep with the times mannn...' which, in this case, means being able to use the music industry in the far more interactive way that it now intends. Downloading, has taken the edge off of Cd sales hugely. Audience can now get the songs that they want without having to leave their house. They can pick and choose different songs within the album. In fact, the theory of endism has moved on from digital media such as CD's, to mp3 downloadable songs. There is no real material, nothing to touch, its just there, on your computer. A piece of data, easily manipulated, copied and shared. My parents, still use CD's. My dad has an iPod, but for some reason (my guess is that he doesnt know how) he doesnt use it. However, this cheeky little thang called copyright is enfringed alot more due to the ease of digital manipulation. So songs can be ripped, burned, copied and shared at the click of a button.
The Global Villiage is also a detrement to the film industry, with pre-released material, from america for example. Can be passed on and find itself in a multitude of countries and continents within seconds. Days, weeks or even months before it's release there. There is a plan to stamp the effect of the global village in this instance out, the plan is to release films, music and games, world wide, on the same day. This will DRASTICLY reduce piracy, however it will not end it by any means. The piracy is not just a 'youth' thing, there is alot of potential money in it and other generations in the 'underground scene' have put their fingers in yet another pie.

To Be Continued.......................................oh yeah...

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